Hardshell Clams - 25 Pieces

Hardshell Clams - 25 Pieces
Intershell offers a full range of Hard-Shell Clams , from the smallest Count Necks, Little Necks and Top Necks to large Cherrystones and Quahogs. All varieties of Hard-Shell Clams are delicious, easy to prepare, and are packed daily at Intershell for shipping. We guarantee our Hard Shell Clams to be alive upon delivery.
Note: This product is priced based on the market value – prices are subject to change at any given time.
Countnecks: 1.5 in - 2 in (12-14pc per lb.)
Littlenecks: 2-2.5 in (6-7pc per lb.)
Topnecks: 2.5 - 3 in (4-5pc per lb.)
Cherrystones: 3.5 - 4 in (2-3pc per lb.)
Quahogs: 4-5 in (1pc per lb.)
Package Size: 25 Pieces
Scientific Name: Mercenaria mercenaria
Harvest Area: Cape Cod
Your Package Arrives Fresh
We carefully package and ship our seafood from our facility in Gloucester, MA to you overnight delivery to ensure your food arrives fresh.